Confirmed Events for 2017...
InBeonCon 2017
Saturday, August 26th 2017
at the Melville Marriott, NY
Inbeon Con 2017 | Date: 8/26/17 | Time: 10am – 4pm | Melville Marriott
1350 Walt Whitman Rd,
Melville, NY 11747
More information here soon.
Goza Creative/ScriptGraphics
will be there!
Until then, click the InbeonCon info button below -
Saturday, August 26th 2017
at the Melville Marriott, NY
Inbeon Con 2017 | Date: 8/26/17 | Time: 10am – 4pm | Melville Marriott
1350 Walt Whitman Rd,
Melville, NY 11747
More information here soon.
Goza Creative/ScriptGraphics
will be there!
Until then, click the InbeonCon info button below -
AwesomeCon 2017
Awesome Con 2017 June 17th, 2017 in Washington, DC
The follow up to the hit lecture tour is touching our nations capital as we return to AwesomeCon in our nations capital. We've been working out the logistics for a couple of months and it's finally a go. Additional components will be added as we take a hard look at what diversity really is, how to measure it in realistic terms and how to make it a reality in the comic books we read now. There will be a robust question and answer period for those who are attempting to produce their own diverse comics.
Khem Comic Book Fest III
Already confirmed: the 3rd KhemFest. We're already mapping out the panel material for the panel we're to participate in to make it a more interactive panel discussion. We want people to understand just how deep the diversity has to go for there to be true diversity in comics. The stereotyping of people of color and gender has been so ingrained in us that only a shock to the system can open the eyes of those doing this kind of work. Be there to see the archetypes that have become so standard that we see them as being diverse even though they're anything but, and as they're exposed for what they truly are as we look unapologetically at what is and even more so what needs to be for diversity to be a true part of the American comic book.